Free the Trees!
This week called for some heavy work: physically and spiritually. Seriously the hard labor of pulling vines to free another tree was just what I needed today. As I was working, I thought about how far our yard has come and wanted to go back to see the pictures. It is shocking! There are days it feels we are stuck in life, as if we haven't moved an inch. When I look at my yard it feels like we've flattened it...pulled out the old, but haven't really built it back up. The pictures show otherwise! We don't necessarily have pictures documenting our life growth and I know it is SLOW going, but every day that we keep going, keep loving, keep forgiving, and choosing to lean in to our Father's presence, is beautiful. I recently read in Rohr's book, Everything Belongs, (in my own words) that God gives us the space to breathe and back up from constant "progress", because it is hard! He doesn't force us to move forward. The reality is if we stay there, where it is easy, we are missing real living and are living in a false security. I don't about you, but this gets really boring for me! I get edgy and feel insecure pretty quickly when I settle here. Rohr says, "We need failure and quiet time to recognize this pattern."
I have been digging deep lately to fight for quiet in my life so when words and expectations rise up to choke me, I know better how to find the truth.
True freedom is giving people the permission to misunderstand you- Lauren Daigle
You know, this week...shut, most of my life, I’ve been wrapped up in other’s words, likes these sweet trees tangled in vines. Expectations others have for me, or my perceived expectations, wrap me up and tangle my mind. They make me feel trapped and small.
Last night we had a worship time at church. It was such a rich time of rest with my Father. When I am with Him I know who I am. I am fully confident and at peace. He is the One who tells me who I am. I am also brave and free, ready to LOVE.
Between last night’s rest and today’s hard labor of freeing more trees I am feeling much better!
I haven’t done well taking pictures of our progress, so many pictures include my very fast growing boys!!! So take your pick: look at the yard or look at the cute kids!!!! Both are wins!
Rest in your progress today! You are stunning. Tomorrow open your hands and let the Father speak tenderly to your heart and keep moving. Hugs!
Life progress may feel slow but I have a pretty solid progression of development for this yard.
We pulled so many vines off the trees. In fact that entire pile of brush is what we cleared from the trees in phase one.
In this rough dirt patch we built a Hosta garden. This year we couldn't keep the deer and bunnies away! Next year, I'll be looking for a new, deer resistant plan! The grass is filling in!!! Yay!
We cleared the back 4 acres of these evil trees that were covered in 3-4" spikes! It was a huge job that created the second enormous burn pile. We finally got the front pile burnt and plan to burn the back on this fall. SLOW process!
This looked like an adventure hole to him!
Truly I enjoyed the process of tearing out the old, as excruciating as it was. Of course, building the new and making it home has been really rewarding.
We have to be willing to dig into the hard stuff to truly be free.
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